How to Write a Consideration Letter for a Job

A letter of interest is a document sent to employers you'd like to work for, but that don't have a specific job vacancy to apply for. It's also known as an expression of interest or a prospecting letter.

While a cover letter targets a specific job, a letter of interest is more general and focuses on why you're seeking employment with the company.

Write a bad one, and you'll get ignored for all eternity.

Write a good one, and you'll be drawing that fat salary before the masses know about the existence of that opening.

This guide will show you:

  • How to write a letter of interest that gets noticed in the online jungle.
  • A stellar letter of interest sample that returns a massive response.
  • 10+ interest letter examples that'll get you hired faster.
  • A letter of interest format you can use to pry loose hidden dream jobs.

Here's a sample of a letter of interest made with our fast online builder. Want to write your letter in 15 minutes? Use our templates and build your version here.

letter of interest sample

Letter of interest sample - See 15+ templates and create your version here.

Check some relevant examples here:

  • Cover Letter for Promotion
  • Email Cover Letter
  • General Cover Letter

Here's how to write a letter of interest:

1. Choose a Proven Letter of Interest Format to Get a Massive Response

2. Start Your Letter of Interest with a Hook

3. Highlight Your Relevant Skills and Work Experience in the Middle Section

4. Finish Your Letter of Interest with a Compelling Call to Action

5. Use These Tips to Boost Your Interest Letter Effectiveness by 75%

In the sections below you'll find and a detailed explanation of each of these steps along with effective letter of interest samples.


Choose a Proven Letter of Interest Format to Get a Massive Response

Here's the good news:

When you send an expression of interest (or EOI) letter, you're not one of 300+ job applicants.

Now the bad:

You're one of 10,000 spam emails.

An interest letter must be short, sweet, and formatted to get attention fast.

Use this letter of interest format to hit the manager like a rescue line tossed in a flood.

Letter of Interest Format Example

Here's a perfect sample interest letter template. It shows what a letter of interest should include.

Jennifer Dalmar

Registered Nurse

865 Settlers Lane

New York, NY 10007



Lori McDougall

HR Director

Alcott Hospital

130 Farnum Road

New York, NY 10016

Dear Ms. McDougall,

[An Eye-Catching Hook]

[Proof You Understand the Manager's Need]

[Proof You Can Meet that Need]

[Request for a next step]

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Jennifer Dalmar

Why does that letter of introduction sample work? Because it unlocks the manager's attention, then delivers an irresistible gift:

  • personal (no Dear Hiring Manageror To Whom It May Concern)
  • starts strong
  • ends without fluff

Letter of interest format example

Now let me show you how to do each part perfectly.

Pro Tip: How long should a letter of interest be? Just a few short paragraphs, and not more than 200 words. Any longer and the manager won't read it.

Learn more: Cover Letter Format 2021  and How to Write a Cover Letter in 2021


Start Your Letter of Interest with a Hook

You're the needle.

The haystack is all the junk email the manager gets.

How can you make sure she finds you?

It's not enough to send a letter.

You must learn how to write a letter of interest that catches her attention like an electromagnet.

You need a hook.

Watch how that works (and doesn't) in the two teacher interest letter examples below.

Letter of Interest Sample [The Hook]

Check out these examples of how to write a letter of interest:


I am writing to inquire into possible teacher work with Alton Lewis high school.

I'm skilled in teaching, classroom management, communication, math, English, conflict resolution...

Here's the problem with that interest letter sample. There's no hook. The principal will toss it in the recycle bin so fast he'll get a paper cut.

Now look what happens when we add a hook:


I raised student test scores by 45% at Averill High last year.

The principal's eyebrows just shot up. The only way your letter of interest for a teaching position will get recycled now is if there is an unexpected fire drill.

Didn't raise test scores 45%? Don't worry.

A great hook can be:

  • A big accomplishment you made.
  • A big accomplishment the company made.
  • A fact you love about the company.
  • A fact you've learned about the manager.

How do you get a fact like that? Research. Look the company up in Google, and on LinkedIn. See if the manager has written articles or won awards.

The hook is the answer to how to introduce yourself in a letter. Once it's set, you've got to reel it in. You'll learn how next.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It's fast and easy to use. Plus, you'll get tips and right  vs. wrong  examples while writing your resume.See +20 resume templates and create your resume here.

resume for a project manager

Project Manager Resume Examples -See more templates and create your resume here.

Pro Tip: If you're writing a letter of interest for a job within the same company, network first. You're in a unique position to meet the right manager.

Writing a college letter of interest? Check out this guide too: Internship Resume for College Students: Complete Guide (+20 Examples)


Highlight Your Relevant Skills and Work Experience in the Middle Section (And Mention Key Achievements!)

That manager is in a world of hurt..

She'd hire you in a heartbeat if she knew you could help.

Prove it in the middle section of your interest letter.

Don't do it by listing random skills and irrelevant experience.

Instead, think: Why are you interested in this job? Are you a perfect fit?

Answer with accomplishments that match the manager's needs.

Check out how that works in the two medical letter of interest examples below.

Interest Letter Examples [Show Your Proof]

What's wrong with this first sample letter of interest snippet?


I've worked as a nurse at two different hospitals and I have 5 years of combined experience. I was in charge of up to ten patients at a time, performing all nurse duties, including assessment, giving medication, assisting doctors...

That medical interest letter basically says, "I'm a nurse."

It needs to prove you'll save the manager's life. This next example letter of job interest clipping shows the hook and proof.


I cut inventory costs at Riverdale General by 55% through implementing a simple Kanban system.

Therefore, I was very excited by your article about Alcott Hospital's upcoming cost-cutting drive on

Cost-cutting can be a nightmare, but it doesn't have to be. My deep Continuous Improvement training taught me that an employee-driven cost reduction program can actually improve quality. In fact, as we cut costs 55%, we also:

  • Decreased patient complaints by 35%.
  • Increased HCAHPS scores by 25%.
  • Lowered needle sticks by 65%.

Wow. The HR director just had a palpitation.

To prove you can help, you need to know the manager's needs.

Research the company online, but also use your networking skills. Just like a letter of intent for a job, networking lets you into unadvertised job openings.

If you network, you might be able to get a letter of introduction. That's the letters of interests' big, Dwayne Johnson-type brother.

Pro Tip: Looking for a letter of interest template for MS Word? It's better to send it in the body of your email. The manager probably won't open an attached file from a stranger.

Not sure how to prove your worth? Use achievements from your resume. See the statement of interest sample letter up top. Also, see our guide: Achievements to Put on Resume - Complete Guide (+30 Examples)


Finish Your Letter of Interest with a Compelling Call to Action

Picture this:

You write the best letter of interest in the universe.

The manager is convinced you are the next Jeff Bezos.

Then, you fail to ask for a next step.

You've impressed her, but so what? She's not sure how to proceed, so she forgets about you.

You don't know how to write a letter of interest until you nail the CTA.

Great letters of interestsalways have compelling CTAs.

What's a CTA? A Call to Action. Salespeople have used them for hundreds of years. They turn interest to results.

Here are two interest letter examples to show you what I mean.

Letter of Interest Sample [The CTA]

This internship interest letter example CTA will get an "F."


Let me know if we can talk on the phone or in person.

That's not terrible. But it's unclear what should happen next. There's nothing in it for the manager.

Now let's sweeten the pot with this next internship letter of interest example:


I would love the chance to talk with you as you embark on your cost-lowering journey. Could we schedule a short call to discuss ideas for slashing Steubing-Weatherford's inventory costs by 25% in the next six months?

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Jennifer Dalmar

See? You're offering something shiny, in exchange for something easy and specific. Your chances of a callback just went up like a communications satellite.

Pro Tip: Writing a letter of interest for a promotion? You know more than anyone about your manager's needs and how to meet them. Use that like a lever in your letter.

After you write your letter of interest, you'll need a resume. Make it fast with our easy online resume builder. Resume Builder: Create a Professional Resume in 5 Minutes!


Use These Tips to Boost Your Interest Letter Effectiveness by 75%

You probably hardly ever stick your finger in a light socket.

But if you're just learning how to write a letter of interest, there are light sockets you don't know about. They're just waiting to fry your job search chances to a smoking crisp.

If you don't read the crucial tips below, you'll very likely put your finger in one.

Here's the Difference Between a Cover Letter vs a Letter of Interest

What's the difference between a letter of interest vs a cover letter?

A cover letter is the "cover" on your resume. It's a letter of application. Send one when applying for a known job opening.

The goal of an interest letter is to get the manager to ask to see your resume.

How to Send an Email Letter of Interest

To write a letter of interest email, use the format at the top of this guide.

Then cut the contact from the top, and put yours on the bottom.

Also, write a great subject line that gets the manager's attention.

The manager's name + your hook does that job well.


Darcie – I saved the lives of 15 puppies last week


Looking for a position at Sigma Delta Tau

Can you see how that first sorority letter of interest example would get opened? It's a great example of how to write an email asking for a job.

The second will go straight into the trash.

the difference between a letter of interest and a cover letter

Pro Tip: Writing a medical school letter of interest? Prove your passionate interest in the school, and why you'd make the perfect student there.

Need to know who to address an interest letter to? Need a cover letter email sample? See our guide: How To Address A Cover Letter [Complete Guide With Examples]

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here's what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaway

Knowing how to write a letter of interest can teleport you past the job search maze.

Follow these easy tips when writing a letter of interest to get your dream job:

  • Include an eye-catching hook at the top of your interest letter template. It's there to get the manager to read your letter carefully.
  • Use your letter of interest to prove how you can help.
  • Show measurable accomplishments that fit the manager's needs like skinny jeans.

What's the difference between a cover letter and a formal letter of interest? A letter of job interest has no resume attached. It seeks to start the conversation.

Want to know more about how to write a letter of continued interest? Maybe you found the best way to write an interest letter? Give us a shout in the comments! We love to help!

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How to Write a Consideration Letter for a Job


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